Insurance and Pensions for 2024-2025

Socially Responsible Investing

Socially Responsible Investment (SRI) considers the ethical, social and environmental performance of companies, as well as their financial potential.

The terms Socially Responsible Investment, ethical investment, environmental investment, green investment and sustainable investment are often used. Whilst each reflects a different emphasis, the basic concept remains the same and they can be used interchangeably.

Social responsibility has become a major issue for companies and institutions. Even multinational companies that once thought they were too powerful to worry about such issues, have had to re-evaluate their position. Failing to run a business without a policy of social responsibility is now regarded as risky and unsustainable, and shareholders are the first to question large and unquantifiable risks and poor environmental policy.

British Insurance and Pensions employ some of the leading Socially Responsible advisers in the UK (and EEC) . Whatever your ethical preferences we are able to tailor your finances to meet these while also providing you with the best chance to meet your financial objectives.

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